HCDA August Minutes

Hampshire County Development Authority

Board Meeting Minutes – August 16th, 2023

Taggart Hall Conference Room/Teleconference – 10:00 AM


Public is invited to attend by Teleconference:

Dial-In Number: (720) 843-2487

Passcode: 4034389#


Present: Rebecca Hott, Greg Bohrer, Beverly Keadle, Tamitha Wilkins, Jon Todd Hott, David Cannon, Jason Hicks, Len McMaster, Brian Hott, Dorinda Strothers, Cathy Simon.

Excused: Alison Jewell, Rebecca Miller, David Mayfield.

Via Conference Call: Patricia Escoriaza.

Guests: Hoy Shingleton, Jeff Pancione, Rick Hillenbrand, Sydney Maurer.

President Rebecca Hott called the meeting to order. Following was the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.

Approval of Agenda: Beverly Keadle made a motion to approve as read. Dorinda Strother seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Presentation – Pathways/Misty Stambler and Rebecca Conrad with the Fair Chance Employment Initiative. Works with, for one, Gina’s Cut & Sew to employ participants of the program. WV CORR program. For those who are trying to get their lives on track. Fair chance employers. Give food to those in need and offer lunch every day during the week to individuals who need a meal. Growing and expanding. Would like to work with HCDA in supporting the programs. Questions from the board member were asked and answers given. There are limitations of who can enter the program. Cannot have a violent crime or sex offender charge. Ten participants in program and are all working.

Secretary’s Report – Tamitha Wilkins –Approval of Minutes:   Jason Hicks made a motion to approve.   Len McMasters seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:   Jon Todd Hott gave Treasurer’s report in the absence of David Mayfield. Dave Cannon asked about the $14,000 payment for education and training of the Executive Director. That account is being monitored. Jason Hicks made a motion to approve.   Greg Bohrer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marketing Committee Report: Beverly Keadle, Chair, reported that the Marketing Committee met August 9th, 2023.

  • Discussed changes in marketing budget.
  • Marketing Proposals-Received two so far. There will be a third with a presentation at the September Marketing Committee meeting. A recommendation will be presented to the board at the September Board Meeting.

Shark Tank – Program has already been initiated by Jefferson County (Jumpstart Jefferson) and Berkeley County (Berkeley). Looking forward to starting Hampshire County’s Shark Tank in Spring of 2024. Next meeting is scheduled for September 6th at 2:00 PM at Taggart Hall.

Personnel Committee: Tamitha Wilkins-Wants to meet with JT and ask questions regarding personnel and his goals. And then schedule a meeting with the personnel committee.

Risk Management & Safety Committee: Tamitha Wilkins – At a recent County Commission meeting the Commissioners signed the approval and payment for the mobile unit and paperwork was submitted. A group out of Ohio will be building the unit and original plans are for 12-15 months process, so looking forward to having a mobile unit around December of 2024. It will be used for Health Department purposes and anything the county will sign with MOU with EMS or any entity needing to use it. Gearing up for flu season and busy with back-to-school shots.

President’s Report-: Rebecca Hott – Congratulations to the Hampshire Review on winning the Newspaper of the Year. It is time to start on our 5-year plan and will reaching out to board members who are interested in forming a committee for this purpose.

Executive Director’s Report & Update-Report submitted for review. Numerous prospect meetings.

  • Former Hampshire Memorial Hospital – There are several issues to discuss with this project. Hott showed an image showing the Line of Disturbance. With the schedule running slow and the excavators for the Board of Education attempting to put in a parking lot for the new elementary school and a road around the rescue squad, they have asked us for permission to be on the south and east side of the rescue squad to do that work. Two contractors cannot be permitted for the same area. We could go through the process of changing the permit, but will cost us time and money. The second option is to generate an MOU between HCDA and BOE that grants them permission to work around that area and remove the remainder of trees. Legal (Hoy Shingleton) suggested to grant the MOU with the understanding that they list HCDA as an additional insured on their insurance policy. We would assume the risk of the contractor of anything they do. This is brought to the attention of the Board for questions or concerns and further discussion, if needed. Director Hott stated it makes sense, but requests the Board’s opinion. Superintendent Pancione stated that this would give the rescue squad ingress and egress. There is approximately a 20-foot span of trees that need removed that are within the perimeter of the hospital property. Patricia Escoriaza (via conference call) commented on the situation. Reclaim will be updated to the changes by Thrasher. Jason Hicks made a motion to move forward with the Board of Education’s request and for Carl Belt to include HCDA as additional insured on insurance policy and not disturb the MOU, and include updates. Dave Cannon seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • FHMH-1,000 gallon Underground Tank. Director Hott reported that there is a storage tank that needs to be investigated that is on the hospital property. DEP reported that with the age of the tank it should not be a hazard. They instructed to move forward in removing the tank. Not expecting any contamination. An excavation contractor needs to be found to dig up the tank.
  • Another issue is getting payment to Reclaim. We have done everything in a timely manner, however, awaiting the payments to be processed through the state. Director Hott has been checking for the payments and there is no designation for Draw #3.  Hoping for payment to come through before the end of the week. Thrasher has been updating Reclaim on the process to keep them informed. Superintendent Pancione stated it has been great working with J.T. and they have been able to communicate and make decisions together.
  • OmniTrax – Atttended the presentation at Potomac State College and has provided information for the board. OmniTrax has a contract with the State of West Virginia to operate the South Branch Valley Railroad. There have been a lot of questions of how that is going to impact the Potomac Eagle. The State contract with OmniTrax has nothing to do with the Potomac Eagle, for Potomac Eagle has a separate contract with the state, as confirmed by an OmniTrax representative per an email Hott presented. In conjunction with the work we are doing in the Romney Business Park, getting grant money for the feasibility study for development and the spur, Hott spoke to Cindy Butler and shared the information with Justin of OmniTrax, He will be coming back to Romney very soon. Hott was told that we would get the funding for the project. All positive and hopeful of notification of funds soon. Rick Hillenbrand asked questions about how this project will impact the present employees of the railroad.
  • A prospect was shown the Kopper’s property in Green Spring recently. This is still a property that has potential.
  • Met with Mr. Burch at WVSDB. Walked through the Elementary Education and dormitory on campus. The building is condemned. Jim Linsenmeyer and J.T. are looking into ways to repurpose that space and secure grants that may help to do a feasibility study. Renovation of that building could cost up to $20,000,000.
  • CBTP – Documents were signed for the closing of the utility transfer. Shingleton said Town of Capon Bridge legal is going to wire funds from purchase of one acre lot. Those funds will be applied to the loan for CBTP.
  • IEDC Conference-Director Hott provided highlights of the conference to the Board. A couple of ideas that he took away from the sessions were: 1) Strategic Plan and committee 2) CRM (Client Relationship Management), a software tool to be used to keep track of our customers.
  • Worked with Julie Landis at the high school to get some skilled labor classes coming here to Hampshire County.
  • Flywheel-Office space in Development Authority offered to businesses. Meeting with Buc Hammer from WVSBC tomorrow.

Old Business:

  • Flowers Baking Company Fourth Amendment -President Hott. No response as of today, so will be taking action. The renewal of the next lease will begin in January of 2024. President Hott provided a spreadsheet that is included in the packet of meeting information that shows every tenant in the Business Park, with revenue when the lease started and expires, and we did the math on what the tenants pay per square foot.

New Business:

  • Resolution: Reclaim and Thrasher Draw #4- Greg Bohrer made a motion to approve. Jason Hicks seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  • Resolution: Reclaim and Thrasher Draw #5- Greg Bohrer made a motion to approve. Jason Hicks seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  • Date for September meeting. Director will be out of office that day, request to change date of meeting. Either the 21st or 27th. Brian Hott made a motion to move the meeting to the 21st. Greg Bohrer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • The next HC Infrastructure meeting will immediately follow the board meeting on the 21st. Lunch will be served for the Infrastructure Meeting.
  • Capon Bridge Middle School – Parks and Rec committee contacted Rebecca Hott about possibly helping them out. By statute they are not able to collect rents on the offices that are located in the building of the former CB Middle School other than the spaces that are used for recreational and non-profits. Jason Hicks, J.T. Hott, Rebecca Hott and Greg Bohrer attended the meeting. They suggested handing the building over to the HCDA for management. They proposed to control the community room and the gym and the HCDA take over the management and maintenance of the 14 units there. HCDA would collect rent, pay bills and maintaining the facility, which is in need of a new roof, individual electric hook-ups, etc. Could be an opportunity to do other things. No other details at this time. Commissioner Cannon stated that the three entities would be working together. Discussion pursued on this subject. An array of ideas are being considered.

Communications/Public Comment:

  • Complaints from the VA Coalition of Human Rights. This group has been questioning Energix company that has plans to create a business in Hampshire County. The company has leased property in Capon Bridge.

Adjourn – A motion was made by Jason Hicks to adjourn. David Cannon seconded the motion. Motion carried.











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Hampshire County Development Authority
91 South High Street
Romney, WV 26757