HCDA October 2023 Board Minutes

Hampshire County Development Authority

Board Meeting Minutes – October 18th, 2023

Taggart Hall Conference Room/Teleconference – 10:00 AM


Public is invited to attend by Teleconference:

Dial-In Number: (720) 843-2487

Passcode: 4034389#


Present: Rebecca Hott, Greg Bohrer, Jon Todd Hott, Beverly Keadle, Dorinda Strothers, Len McMaster, Jason Hicks, Tamitha Wilkins, Brian Hott, Alison Jewell, Rebecca Miller, David Mayfield, David Cannon, Cathy Simon.

Via Conference Call: Hoy Shingleton, Patricia Escoriaza, Keith McIntosh.

Guests: Sydney Maurer (Hampshire Review Reporter), Rolf Runkin (HC Grantwriter).

Having a quorum, President Rebecca Hott called the meeting to order.


Approval of Agenda: Jason Hicks made a motion to approve as read. Greg Bohrer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Secretary’s ReportApproval of Minutes: Greg Bohrer made a motion to approve the minutes from September board meeting after an amendment was made per Mayor Keadle’s request.  Len McMaster seconded the motion. Motion carried. Amendment made.

Treasurer’s Report:  David Mayfield, Treasurer.  Jon Todd Hott stated he would like to see the movement of the Revolving Loan Fund to the balance sheet. He said he would check with J.C. Kunkle to see if this is possible.  Jason Hicks made a motion to approve the financials. Len McMaster seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marketing Committee Report: Beverly Keadle, Chair. The Marketing Committee met. The recommendation for hiring a company for the marketing plan was tabled until next meeting.   “Hampshire on the Horizon” was chosen for the Shark Tank Project. The committee is utilizing a blueprint from another entity to construct our plan to begin Spring of 2024.  Director Hott showed a copy of a draft for a revised copy to the board for review. The committee has begun researching financing, instructors and coaches for the event.


Personnel Committee: Tamitha Wilkins reported that she will meet with Director Hott to get more information regarding the personnel committee meeting for next month.

Risk Management & Safety Committee: Tamitha Wilkins. Submitted a report for review. Administering COVID shots twice a week by appointment to 50 people at a time per space available at the Health Department. Just finished up doing the mobile flu clinics throughout to the businesses and schools. From that they will be doing a COVID clinic for the Board of Education employees. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available at this time, however, only Moderna will be distributed in the future.  Test kits are

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free are being distributed heavily throughout the community.  Offering a flu clinic at Carrie Spades office in Capon Bridge next Saturday. One death in Hampshire County in September; which makes 77 COVID deaths thus far. Health Department is still doing extended hours and doing flu classes in person and online. Everything has been been signed and is in the process of being built by a company in Ohio. This fall they should be able to see the process of the build. It will take 12-15 months before we will see that back in our county. Plans for the mobile unit will be to use it for flu clinics and many other things throughout the county. They will sign an MOU with the 911 Center for the ambulance authority to use it for BP screenings, etc. Also plans and ideas for health and wellness programs run out of the unit.

 President’s Report-: President Rebecca Hott. She and staff HCDA has been very active and busy.  Director Hott will update on FHMH, WVSDB and Potomac Eagle in his report. On the Former Romney Middle School, tomorrow Greg Rinker will take to his board to perhaps hiring a building inspector. They have gone through the building to make a list and said to hold off on that until we vote whether the inspection can be afforded by their board.  They would like to see what happens with the inspector first before moving forward with plans.


Executive Director’s Report & Update-Report submitted for review. Director Jon Todd Hott.

  • FHMH –The end is in sight; project is nearly complete. Holes where the structure was, is filled in. ESA II was scheduled for this week, but got pushed back to next week. Spoke to Hoy Shingleton and Patricia Escoriaza. Hoy has done some ground work and has left messages for the attorney from the Board of Education to expedite transfer of the property to the BOE. There was an issue for the amount of fill that was supposed to be on the property. Thrasher was at one level, architect for BOE was at another. We tried to work with Region VIII to get additional funds to essentially help the BOE to fill the hole in. Received an email yesterday from Region VIII who denied the request for additional funding. This is outside the scope of the HCDAs project. There were some contingency funds left over from the project, so we asked if they could be used to contribute to the cost of the fill dirt for BOE. Patricia Escoriaza of the Thrasher Group stated she is working on finalizing the permits needed and the Preliminary Substantial Completion after that. Do a final walk-through and close the project.
  • WVSDB-Rolf Runkin is present at this meeting. He is the grant writer for the county. He was informed that at the last month’s meeting, the board agreed to move forward with moving forward to getting an assessment grant through Region VIII for the former Deaf Elementary Education Building that fronts Route 50. There is an abundance of space available in this building as well as green space. Director Hott has been working with the WVSDB staff and Region VIII to learn the expectations for pursuing this assessment grant. Mayor Keadle asked that the Romney Development Authority be part of the discussion with anything going on with the Schools for the Deaf & Blind. Greg Bohrer asked if the State of WV look at opportunities to get funding for renovations? How will we seek funding when the State has condemned the building? Director Hott stated that it would take millions of dollars to update and get the building to the point where it could be utilized to house the children again and to make habitable. The state voted to not put the money into the building to bring it up to speed. That is the reason for the



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assessment grant. Other funds they utilized have been used to renovate and upgrade other existing buildings and spaces. Rebecca Hott, Cathy Simon and Jon Todd Hott attended the public meeting regarding the building of a structure in the place of the Administration Building that burnt down.  Plans were shown for the structure. The stone wall is not part of the new design. The bricks that were left over from the old structure will not be used, for they were too damaged by the fire. In the plans of the new structure are additions that may mimic the old structure. There will be a new parking lot and a new entrance that are part of the new design.

  • The Wellness Center-Jon Todd Hott met with the Wellness Center. With the vested interest that that Development Authority has in the Wellness Center, financial information is provided for board review. From what was learned, their financial situation is such that Valley Health will make a decision in 6-8 months of whether they will stay or not. About five to seven hundred and fifty new member subscriptions are needed in order to continue. They are trying their best to do better and to continue business. Trina Cox asked for assistance on a grant for underprivileged who can’t otherwise afford membership.
  • Aquabanq – Spoke to A.J. Shapiro, who is presently in Europe. He is still trying to arrange some bond financing for additional land in CBTP. They are thinking about potentially expanding into more than just shrimp. He met with state representatives to arrange some tax-free bond financing. Has hired an engineer and are finishing some drawing and plans. Scheduling the groundbreaking for end of this year, first of next year.
  • On another note, Director Hott received a call to show someone who is interested in the business park. Carter Crim Company is the interested party. No further information at this time.
  • Direct Answer– Still in communication with them to determine if they are interested in paying off the property on Smokey Hollow Road.
  • Quorum-Director Hott stated that at the last meeting he had the understanding that Laura Turner, Mayor of Capon Bridge, was still a member of the board. Whereas, Dorinda Strother has taken her place on the board. Therefore, in order to have a quorum for a meeting, it would require 4 voting members instead of 5.
  • Potomac Eagle-Director Hott reported-This subject has been on the forefront of the news in the county lately. The state is working with OmniTRAX to acquire the rail. Their plan is to try to grow the rail since the freight on the rail is very low. It is an issue for Pilgrim’s Pride to not have the amount of freight needed. The track is in need of repair. The state met with OmniTRAX to signing a deal to make that acquisition complete. There are concerns from the Franzen’s, who own the Potomac Eagle. I spoke to the Franzen’s quite extensively, who felt like they were not enough provisions in the contract to protect the Potomac Eagle long term. Romney Development met and decided to send a letter to the state and asked if they can pause and reevaluate. In the last two weeks, we’ve had two calls from state leadership from the Secretary of Transportation to Senate leaders. At the end of last week, the word was that the Dept. Of Transportation would get back with OmniTRAX to start working on the deal. Even though Director Hott has not heard back from Cindy Butler as of today, Rick Hillenbrand reported to Hott and said he was meeting with Jimmy Riston, Cindy Butler and their attorney. Hillenbrand said he felt very good about the meeting. He felt like it was a good deal for all counties associated with the rail.  Yesterday at the CVB Board meeting, they are very concerned about this since tourism is very important. Tina Ladd, Executive Director, reached out to Chelsea Ruby at WV Tourism. She was told they are working very hard to protect the railroad and stated “I don’t feel there is a cause for concern at this point”.   

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The Romney Development Authority and Romney Town Council voted for a pause, HC Commission submitted a letter to the state requesting more information, the Petersburg CVB sent a similar letter and the Mayor of Petersburg reached out also. Rebecca Hott added that Delegate Thorne was in today’s meeting with Hillenbrand as well. She spoke with him and Hillenbrand. Cindy Butler did most of the talking at the presentation this morning and she said they have diligently put in protections for the Potomac Eagle and they will be protected. No other details were reported. Mayor Keadle stated that both sides have NDAs and the information is not coming out and that is basically that the position of the Town of Romney is to pause it, get some information, and let’s see where this thing is going. Keadle stated that they are meeting resistance on that request and thinks it is a red flag if you can’t get more information. David Mayfield asked whether they have disclosed anything to the Franzen’s. President Hott said the state has been in contact with the Franzens since it was announced in June.  Commissioner Cannon asked if there was proof of NDAs. This information has not been verified. He said that he reached out to OmniTRAX and invited them to a County Commission meeting and they are willing to send a representative to answer questions. Please contact Commissioner Cannon if you have a question you would like for him to ask on your behalf. Commissioner suggests you to attend the County Commission meeting October 24th @ 6PM when OmniTRAX and State Rail Authority (Multi-Modal) will be present. It was asked by board member Len McMaster of what does the HCDA do to make sure that their inaction isn’t taken as a negative. President Hott stated that the HCDA has been in support of holding meetings and gaining information at this time by having meetings with OmniTRAX, Senator Blair and members of the Rail Authority (Cindy Butler, Commissioner Winston, their attorney, Mr. Connelly). The Franzen’s were invited to attend the meetings as well. It is the intention of the board to remain neutral until more information is obtained in order to support all the entities involved.   We are in a delicate balance. While we want to show that we welcome economic opportunity, we still like to support the Potomac Eagle because they are a large part of our economy in Hampshire County. Beverly Keadle said she believes that unsubstantiated information was presented at the meeting today and the Town asks for a pause.

Other members of the Board and guests asked questions and gave comments regarding the situation with the state, OmniTRAX and the Potomac Eagle.

                On another note, President Hott reported that the feasibility study that was performed by the state on our behalf for the rail spur is still an active future project with the WV Multi-Modal and Hampshire County Development Authority. That study is supposed to be released fairly soon.

Lunch N Learn –We are very excited about this event. We, the staff have worked very hard on this event. The HCDA will collaborate with WV CORR/Pathways. As of last night, Cathy Simon is up by 3 with J.T. Hott in our sales competition.  We have 73 confirmed attendees. We have tried very hard to get business owners signed up and we have a nice group of business owners who will be joining us for the event. We have speakers lined up from WV CORR, Marshall University, Region VII Workforce, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), Recruiting Specialist, EWVCTC and Hampshire High School. Numerous businesses have donated items for the event for door prizes and the Hampshire High School ProStart will be providing lunch.   We are calling the event as a Hampshire Business Council event. If this is successful, we will sponsor another event possibly in January.  There will be a survey sent out to all attendees after the event.

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Old Business:


  • Strategic Planning Committee: An email was sent out last week asking for 5-6 board members who would be happy to serve on the committee. The meetings will be held after hours around a social atmosphere; one at Crystal Valley, one at Main Street and one at El Centro. The goal is to have about three meetings to review and discuss our strategic plan. Brian Hott has agreed to heading the committee.


New Business:

  • Property Permission for 5K-The office received a phone call from a person who is running a charity 5K and would like permission to run through the Romney Business Park November 15th. Rebecca Hott asked what type of insurance do they have.  It will be investigated to see about insurance.  Greg Bohrer made a motion to allow the charity run to go through the park. Jason Hicks seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • Annual Christmas Dinner-Cathy Simon reported the December Board meeting will be December 20th. After the regular meeting at Taggart Hall, the Annual Holiday Appreciation Lunch will take place at the Margaret Keller House in Romney. Lunch will be catered. Look for a future information and RSVP.

Communications/Public Comment:

  • Audit – Copy of extension letter for next audit was presented to the board for review.


Adjourn – A motion was made by Jason Hicks to adjourn. Len McMaster seconded the motion. Motion carried.               






















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Hampshire County Development Authority
91 South High Street
Romney, WV 26757